Here's a few photos from a jaunt onto Birkrigg Common to try out my shiny new camera system.
As usual click on the photos or
here for larger versions.
Here's some fine Cumbrian views

And here's a few of the Birkrigg locals

So on to the shiny new camera then.
I've been shooting wildlife with Canon gear for a good 15 years now, from when I was young free and single. Back then I could, and did, spend all weekend and most evenings out with the camera. Now I'm all grown up (allegedly) with a young family that's just not an option. I've been squeezing in odd hours here and there, but not enough to be really meaningful. So while I've not been doing so much wildlife photography the wildlife kit is massive, way too big to cart around for other stuff really like landscape and family photos. Also ever try taking a photo of a sleeping baby with a big pro body rattling away at 10 frames a second ? I did, once. Woke baby, as you would expect, and got me into all sorts of trouble, also as you would expect. Never tried that again.
So I traded the Canon gear in for the Sony A7 and a couple of zoom lenses. The new kit is tiny, certainly compared to the Canon gear. The sort of thing that I'm more likely to just pick up if we are going out for a gentle stroll somewhere. I'm sure there will be times when I miss the long lenses and performance of the pro bodies, but I'm sure I'll get more use from the new kit, and so far it has performed very well.
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